
Thursday 20 May 2021



Biology 1 (BIO 101)

Chapter 4: Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life

Chapter 5: Structure and Function of Large Biological

Chapter 6: A tour of the cell

Chapter 7: Membrane Structure and Function

Chapter 8: Introduction to Metabolism

Chapter 9: Cellular Respiration and Fermentation

Chapter 10: Photosynthesis

Chapter 12: The Cell Cycle

Chapter 13: Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles

Chapter 16: The Molecular Basis of Inheritance

تلخيص لمادة الفيرست

Biology Lab 1 (BIO 103)

Lab Bio1 (Manual)

Lab Instruments & Tools

ملخص 1 لمادة المختبر

ملخص 2 لمادة المختبر

Biology 2 (BIO 102)

Chapter 40: Animal Form and Function

Chapter 41: Animal Nutrition

Chapter 42: Circulation & Gas Exchange

Chapter 43: The Immune System

Chapter 44: Osmoregulation & Excretion

Chapter 45: Hormones & The Endocrine System

Chapter 46: Animal Reproduction

Chapter 47: Animal Development

Chapter 48: Neurons, Synapses, & Signaling

Chapter 50: Sensory & Motor Mechanisms

ملخص The Animal Body

ملخص Animal Nutrition

ملخص Circulation & Gas Exchange

ملخص Immune System

ملخص Osmoregulation & Excretion

ملخص Endocrine System

ملخص Reproductive System


Biology Lab 2 (BIO 104)

Lab Bio 2 (الملخص)

Animalia 1 شرح مس شروق

Animalia 2 شرح مس شروق

Fungi & Lichens شرح مس شروق

Protista (video) شرح مس شروق

Protista (video) شرح مس شروق

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